You might think tutoring is all about passing exams.

For us, it’s about readiness to take the next step.

Other tutors prep children for tests. Our aim is to build confidence and fluency, with the happy by-product being outstanding exam results.

Grades are fleeting. Empowering your child with tools to thrive in their entire academic career – that’s for ever.

We help your child with inspiring teaching, deep emotional insight and specialist knowledge of the academically selective schools landscape.


Our focus is securing your child’s next step in education. Select:ed is a team of education advisors and tutors, based in London and across the UK: we are school admissions experts. Led by renowned school entrance specialist Adam D’Souza, time and again we’ve helped children achieve more than they thought possible, by equipping them with knowledge, skills and confidence.

Specialist preparation for school entrance

Academic value-add, wherever your child’s starting point

Adam and his colleagues will help your son or daughter open doors to the right-fit schools with value-adding, inspiring tutoring, wherever your child's starting point. Former students have secured 11+ places at London’s most demanding selective private and grammar schools (including Westminster, St Paul’s Girls’ and Tiffin) and 13+ places at some of the most academically competitive British boarding schools, such as Eton, Tonbridge, Brighton College, Marlborough and Charterhouse.

We are equally proud of the children, including neurodivergent students with learning difficulties, who achieved ambitious goals and progressed well beyond what they would have believed possible.

“Adam put our country-boy through his paces to bring his learning and maturity up a level or two. My son hardly ever covered his school syllabus in his sessions with Adam which was impressive. They focussed on extended learning, thought-development, reflection and inference, all so rarely taught by busy teachers.”

— Laura, happy parent of a successful alumnus, now at Westminster School

Empathetic connection and trust

What sets our approach apart, the greatest source of professional pride as one-to-one tutors, is the quality of human relationships. At the heart of learning is a secure rapport between your child and an inspirational, caring tutor.

We don’t just sit on the sidelines and turn up with past papers. Everyone in my team is chosen for having a perfect mix of academic expertise, an eccentric, warm-hearted personality, and a hands-on approach – supporting your child and you as parents for the whole journey.

“I think the highlights are definitely the way that you manage to push him to achieve his true/full potential, which really helps his confidence. I also like how you show him techniques that make it easier for him. I think it’s great that you give him honest and firm feedback at times as he does need a reality check at times, it’s the only way to help him. I do honestly think you are fantastic and it’s great that you really care and understand him, this really makes such a huge difference I feel. 😊

— Tasneem, happy parent of a current student

“My son is always so enthused and animated AFTER his sessions that his good mood lasts for ages! … He has been very good at understanding what makes my son tick and where his interests lie and has tailored the tuition to suit that. It’s typical ‘boy stuff’ a lot of the time with interesting adventure stories, tales about new countries and interesting parts of history, but interwoven into that are all the vital skills they need for 11/13+.

— Mel, happy parent of a successful alumnus, now an academic scholar at King’s Wimbledon

Expert specialists in academically selective school entrance

Adam and the Select:ed team are specialist tutors, specifically focused on school entrance, with expertise in preparing students for entry assessments at 7+, 11+ for selective day schools, 13+ for British boarding schools and 16+ for Sixth Form.

Time and again we’ve helped children achieve more than they thought possible, by equipping them with knowledge, skills and confidence. This specialist focus has helped our alumni (more than 230 at the last count) to secure places at more than 50 of the leading academically selective schools in London, Surrey, and across the UK.

Our students secure 11+, 13+ and 16+ places at some of the UK’s most academically competitive schools…